The league seems to be taking shape - in detail at least, hopefully the players will come!
The league details (this post will be kept up to date with the latest information):
The league will have a $15 league fee which will go completely towards the league championship tourney. This is the preferred method for joining the league.
Alternatively, a $2 fee can be paid to play in a single weekly tournament. This will allow latecomers to still get in, and possibly encourage occasional players. This obviously is more of a pain to manage, so it is hoped that most will pay the season fee instead.
All league fees and payouts will be processed via PokerStars transfers. To pay a league fee initiate a transfer to player "potnets" (will show city as Severna Park). Please take care to ensure the transfer is going to the right place.
All players in the weekly tournament will earn points, with significantly more points going to the higher finishing places. Points accumulate over the season to determine a champion at the end with the most points.
LEAGUE FEES MUST BE CURRENT BEFORE THE TOURNAMENT STARTS IN ORDER TO EARN POINTS IN THAT TOURNAMENT. NO EXCEPTIONS.A league "season" will consist of ten weekly tournaments followed by a championship tournament.
League format:
A weekly private NL hold 'em tournament on PokerStars for $5+.50
Tournament will be Tuesday nights at 9pm EST
Tournament password will be made available prior to the tournament - please do not share the password. Only paid league members should be playing in the tournament.
Everyone who plays will get league points, with points ramping up the higher you place
Bounty: Starting with week 2, there will be a 5 league point bounty on the winner of the previous week. In the event of consecutive wins no bounty is paid that week.
At the end of the season, the top 9 players in points will play a championship tourney, which will also add to the points total
The season ends after the championship tournament, with the league prize pool distributed over the top 3 point leaders. The number of payouts may be adjusted depending on how many people are in the league.
A new season will then begin.