Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Week 3 Results

Week 3 ended with Craig1625 victorious, edging out maddoggy44 and UAEgreg. As if winning wasn't enough, Craig1625 also scored the 5 point bounty for knocking out last week's winner early in the contest.

The results:

As of Week 3, the standings are:

potnets 62.06
EJ89 51.22
Craig1625 50.00
maddoggy44 42.49
HiRoller88 39.54
UAEgreg 38.27
themerk08 29.96
ravensfutbal 29.79
Ehonda500Mob 29.33

nekendrick 28.35
laxstarr1995 28.04
FiveFingerz 27.16
BaltoBruiser 21.78
rachel1988 21.30
mxrider 19.93
Kore89 15.03
A7X CHAPTER4 12.81
nutz4you 9.56
DarkRattler 7.02

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