Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Online Poker Leagues Are Rigged...

We had several new players join this week, including HiRoller88 who took second and 24.15 points and rachel1988 who took down third along with 18.8 points. UAEgreg scored the 5 point bounty on EJ89. And your humble host outlasted everyone to become top donkey. Hee Haw!!

The updated rankings:

potnets 56.73
EJ89 42.08
HiRoller88 26.65
laxstarr1995 21.49
FiveFingerz 21.47
rachel1988 21.30
nekendrick 20.70
UAEgreg 20.18
mxrider 19.93
themerk08 19.84
maddoggy44 19.21
ravensfutbal 18.46
Ehonda500Mob 14.33
BaltoBruiser 13.45
Craig1625 10.00
Kore89 8.94
DarkRattler 7.02

Thanks to everyone who came out!

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