Saturday, December 6, 2008

Season 2 Format

The polls are closed and the masses have spoken. Mixed Games won by a large margin. So for Season 2 we will use a mixed games rotation much like we saw in the MDP league. For the Hold 'em voters, no worries - we will have some Hold 'em in the mix as well. This is a great chance to try out some new games in a friendly environment. Nothing too exotic, but it changes things up a bit and is a lot of fun. Hopefully everyone will enjoy it!

Season 3 will return to the NL Hold 'em format.

Thanks for voting!


@OnAFoldDraw said...

I <3 PStars 8-Game mix tables. Pls to run atleast one 8-Game tourney and I'll be sure to play that one.

Wayne W. said...

The 8-game mix is pretty cool. Unfortunately it is not an option for private tournaments. HORSE is about as close as we can get to it...