Thursday, January 13, 2011

MD DonkFest "Home Games" on PokerStars

Hey Everybody!

Long time, no blog.

PokerStars has announced a new feature called Home Games, where you can set up a private group and host private ring games and tournaments. So I went ahead and set up a "MD DonkFest" group. I have no idea how it will be used yet, but maybe we can figure this out together and see if we can have some fun with it. Perhaps it will even take the place of the league (or the league might start up again - who knows?)

So if you are interested in checking it out, open PokerStars and look for the Home Games section. It may take a couple of days for MD DonkFest to show up, but you can use the club ID in the meantime.

To join:
ID: 33267
Invite code: wehatemoney

I'll get a notification that you want to join and will approve you. We'll see what happens after that!

Good luck and have fun!

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