Friday, March 26, 2010

Week 6 Results

The Week 6 Heads Up NL Holdem tournament drew 11 players. There was some grumbling about the first round, where 5 people received a bye and the rest played to even out the rest of the rounds. This is how Heads Up tournaments are structured, and the initial selection is random. If enough people don't like this format we can drop it from future seasons.

BeardieDog was the tournament winner, besting HiRoller88 who took second. xICEPICKx and COLUMBIADC both cashed and received 4th place points. potnets took out Gonavy25 for a second consecutive bounty.

The results:

The Updated Top 8 (Lowest score dropped):

Parrot2006(1) 86.66
HiRoller88 84.18
Gonavy25(1) 73.26
MagnetEng 67.39
EJ89(1) 65.75
Biggfella(1) 65.56
ravensfutbal 64.46

Next week's format will be Omaha H/L Fixed.

1 comment:

Barry said...


With 2 firsts and a second this time, I need it in the rotation to compete.

You missed a nice 8 hand final table decided by suck out, re-suck, and re-re suck. His ATs vs my 55 all in preflop. He flopped a T with one heart, I turned the 5h, he rivered the non-board pairing flush.